Łambinowice Museum Meeting’ - invitation
The next monthly meeting with interesting guests will take place on Wednesday 5 June. This time the keynote of the event will be poetry, and a very specific one at that - the art of haiku, a type of short form of literature that originates from the culture of Japan.
Our guests will be two artists associated with the Opole region, but working for a wider public: Wiesław Karliński and Krzysztof Kokot. Both men have been collaborating with our Museum for some time now, having contributed, among other things, to the successful anthology of anti-war poetry entitled ‘Preserved’ (published by the CMJW in 2023). The discussion with them will be moderated by Anna Tlałka, whose literary competence and a strong position in the community of authors of poetry perfectly places her in this role. The entire event will be preceded by an expert introduction to the world of culture of the Land of the Rising Sun, including the art of haiku, so typical of this country - given by Katarzyna Nowak, who directs the Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology in Cracow.
You are warmly invited to the building of the Museum in Łambinowice on 5 June, 5.00 p.m.