Book collection
The Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War has at its disposal a specialist library which comprises primarily scientific and popular-science literature dealing with the two totalitarian systems: the Nazi and the Communist ones, in particular – the German and the Soviet POW systems in the years of World War 2. A part of the collection is devoted to the history of World War 1, the history of Silesia and the Polish-German relations.
The library collection contains about 4 thousand books and nearly 2 thousand issues of magazines in total (among others, Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej [Bulletin of the Institute of National Remembrance], Przegląd Historyczno-Wojskowy [Historical-Military Review], Karta [The Charter]”, Przegląd Zachodni [The Western Review], Pro Memoria. Biuletyn Informacyjny [Pro Memoria. Information Bulletin], Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [The Oświęcim Volumes], Zeszyty Majdanka [The Majdanek Volumes], Śląsk Opolski [Opole Silesia], Studia Śląskie [The Silesian Studies], Muzealnictwo [The Museum Studies]). The Museum library collects, additionally, all kinds of unpublished elaborations relating to the POW subject matter and the history of Łambinowice. There are about one thousand of them. Both the library collection and the above-mentioned elaborations are to be found in the Museum’s seat in Opole. The reading room is open from Monday through Friday between 8.00 and 15.00. The library is available exclusively on-site.