Katalog wystawy/Ausstellungskatalog Po wojnie. Obóz Pracy w Łambinowicach (1945–1946)/ Nach dem Krieg. Arbeitslager ...
The exhibition catalogue, in a synthetic way, presents a permanent exhibition of the Museum opened in December 2013. The exhibition is dedicated to the history and consequences of the existence of the post-war camp for German civilians in Łambinowice. In addition to presenting the idea of the exhibition and highlight the importance of the problem which it touches, in the catalogue there is shown a variety of difficulties - including the methodological ones - accompanying its authors, as well solutions. A comprehensive presentation of the exhibition, with the use of documents and photographs and historical commentary, allows us to see the catalogue as a sort of compendium about the Labor Camp in Łambinowice. In the second part of the publication, there is included a record of the scientific debate "World War II and its consequences. Łambinowice - difficult settlements with the past ", which accompanied the opening of the exhibition. It lets us look at the problem in a broader context. This text highlights the role that Łambinowice play in contemporary Polish-German discourse, Polish and German historiography and finally in media and education coverage. The catalog has been prepared both in Polish and German. It was co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Museum of World War II in Gdansk.
Edited by: Renata Kobylarz-Buła
Number of pages: 128
Place and Publication Date: Opole 2015