The exhibition catalogue, in a synthetic way, presents a permanent exhibition of the Museum opened in December 2013. The exhibition is dedicated to the history and consequences of the existence of the post-war camp for German civilians in Łambinowice ...
more o:Katalog wystawy/Ausstellungskatalog Po wojnie. Obóz Pracy w Łambinowicach (1945–1946)/ Nach dem Krieg. Arbeitslager ...
The publication is a comprehensive monograph of stay, about 6 thousand of Warsaw insurgents in Stalag 344 Lamsdorf. It is written on the basis of the museum collections and archives, national and international documentations, historical books and ...
more o:Przystanek Lamsdorf. Powstańcy warszawscy w obozie jenieckim Stalag 344
Volume number 37 of "The Łambinowice Museum Yearbook " is a special edition, becausethe year of 2015, in which the journal is published, it is particularly especially important for the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War in Łambinowice-Opole. 50 years ...
more o:„Łambinowicki Rocznik Muzealny”, Volume 37
The publication of Professor Danuta Kisielewicz, historian and political scientist from the University of Opole, who specializes in the problems of prisoners-of-war, is dedicated to Oflag VII A Murnau. It is a comprehensive monograph on one of the ...
more o:Captivity in the shadow of the Alps. Oflag VII A Murnau
The publication of Professor Anna Matuchniak-Krasuski, sociology professor at the Department of Sociology of Art at the University of Lodz, is an interesting study of the history and sociology, devoted to the life of Polish officers in the Wehrmacht ...
more o:Behind the Oflags wires. A sociological study
This publication is a catalog of a temporary exhibition of the same title, which was presented at the museum from 7th May to 20th June 2014. Those who are interested will find there bookplates (ekslibris), drawings and graphics - both historical, from ...
more o:War and peace. Ekslibris. Drawing. Graphics.