You are invited to attend the March ‘Łambinowice Museum Meeting’
This year’s first episode of the popular series focuses on the history and present-day Memorial Site in Łambinowice. It will provide an opportunity to learn about the final chapter in Stalag 344 Lamsdorf history. The topic is closely related to the war calendar, and thus to the upcoming 80th anniversary of the liberation of Stalag 344 Lamsdorf.
Dr. Piotr Stanek will retell the circumstances of the camp's liberation, i.e. the course of military operations, but also talk more broadly about the events preceding the culminating days of 17 and 18 March 1945. Thus, there will be no lacking in interesting information illustrated by archival iconography of the ‘death marches’ - so dramatically recalled by the former British prisoners-of-war, or moving facts about the situation of those who, due to illness and wounds, were not evacuated from the stalag and, in order to their freedom they had to endure enormous hunger and exhaustion. Attendees of the meeting will also learn what the first moments behind the camp's barbed wires were like and what the former Lamsdorf POWs had to face later.
You are cordially invited to join us: 19 March, 5 p.m., Museum building in Łambinowice.