Walter Świerc has passed away
Today, at the cemetery in Kotorz Wielki, we said farewell to Walter Świerc (born in 1934). He was the director of our Museum in the years 1979-1990, and also a pedagogue, self-government official, amateur graphic artist and enthusiast of the region's history and culture who was known for his communal activity and efficiency.
Political and systemic conditions were becoming different but for him the most important point of reference was always the region - the small homeland. He organised adult education and had excellent contact with young people, with whom he was establishing music and theatre groups. He was president of the Polish Teachers' Union, as well as the United People's Party. He settled in the municipality of Turawa, with which he later also became professionally involved as its mayor (1990-2002).
When he was appointed director of the Museum in 1979, he made it his mission to organise the best possible working conditions in order to fully use and develop the potential of the institution. To achieve this goal, however, he had to face many challenges. It was thanks to his efforts that the institution gained a new seat in Opole. Also, it was a very symbolic and important change to departure from its previous name: Museum of Martyrdom and Struggle of Prisoners-of-War, Łambinowice, and its replacement with the words: Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War in Łambinowice-Opole.
Walter Świerc was not only involved in managing the Museum, but also in its scientific development. For many years he was sitting on the Editorial Committee of the "Łambinowice Museum Yearbook", and was also, after he left his position as Director, a member of the Museum Council. The role he played, among other things, in the history of the institution was reminded by us during the November edition of "Faces of Opole" in 2015. Despite other matters he was involved in, dwindling strength and struggle with illness in recent years, Walter Świerc was always given us every encouragement and was curious about our ideas and activities. He was a no-nonsense man of very moderate views and edifyingly kind. Always there when needed.
Mr. Director, you will be missed very much.
Our deepest sympathy go out to the family.