The winter offer not only for Opole Province

The CMJW offers an interesting winter holidays programme for children and young people who stay at community centres or winter camps. The activities are available at both Museum’s seats. In addition, having other, more distant from our region provinces in mind, we have prepared online classes entitled: Freedom. Do I really "love and understand" it?

We offer a wide choice of activities. In the Museum’s Opole seat, we make available the following exhibitions to be seen: 'The Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice - the regional, national, European heritage' and 'The last resident of Lubomirski Palace. General Mieczysław Smorawiński'. To the latter are included workshops related to the life of the protagonist and during the inter-war years in Poland. On the other hand, in Łambiowice, we offer visiting the exhibition "A Place with a Scar" and not-so-usual workshops on the history of the Lamsdorf POW camps.

In Opole, the offer is available until 30 January, and online and in the Museum’s Łambinowice seat until 29 February. Further information, and booking, are available at the Department of Education and Exhibitions by phone: 77 434 34 75, or via e-mail: .

You are welcome to take advantage of it.

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