The Museum has been awarded the ‘’Dumni z Powstańców” medal
The setting of the Ballroom Palace on the Isle in Warsaw's Royal Baths Park matched the solemnity of the ceremony that was held to present this year's ‘Proud of the Insurgents’ awards. The event provided a unique opportunity to honour individuals, institutions and organisations that have put enormous effort into commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising and Operation Tempest.
Among the twenty laureates honoured at the ceremony in Warsaw, there was also our Museum, that was represented in the person of Dr. Anna Wickiewicz, head of the Department of Education and Exhibitions. We are extremely proud of this fact, given our indeed long-standing involvement in the process of strengthening the memory of the heroes of the Warsaw Uprising, dating back to the 1960s-70s. Especially in the context of their POW fate, still too poorly popularised even among those with a keen interest in World War II history.
For that reason, it is a very satisfying award for us and, above all, confirmation that our activities in the area of collective memory are appreciated: all the exhibitions, publications, meetings, educational and scientific projects, classes and workshops on this subject, and of course, anniversary events.
The ‘Proud of the Insurgents’ initiative is overseen by specialists who co-create the popular BohaterON campaign that is celebrating its 10-year anniversary this year. In addition to the Museum, volunteers, community workers, researchers, journalists, actors, writers, teachers, representatives of local authorities and foundations, and even a TV station were honoured. The ceremony was made even more special by the presence of Warsaw insurgents, who presented the distinctions in person. The ceremony was complemented by a concert by pianist Agata Górska-Kołodziejska.
Photo: Tomasz Tołłoczko/BohaterOn.