The last prior the summer holiday ‘Łambinowice Museum Meeting’ has taken place
It was a successful event - quite unusual in form, artistically moving and at the same time related to the subject matter of the ‘Science for Society, Society for Science at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice’ project.
The event, entitled ‘Just a trace of dreams and reveries’, was opened by the director the Museum, Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska, who introduced the guests, the first of whom was Katarzyna Nowak, director of the Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology. Ms. Nowak talked about the mission and tasks undertaken at the institution she manages, particularly emphasising the role of the Cracow-based museum given to the wide publicity of Japanese culture, including haiku.
The audience's attention then turned to the authors of the book of poetry ‘Fog occurs now’ - Wiesław Karliński and Krzysztof Kokota, as well as Anna Tlałka, the poet who was conversing with them. Among other things, we learned more about the artistic path of the invited haijin duo - what prompted them to embark on this lyrical form, where they draw their inspiration from and what the art of haiku means to them. The main part of the meeting was a presentation of poems from the aforementioned collection of poetry - and a riveting part of it was the repetition by Anna Tlałka of the poets' consecutive readings. Thanks to this echo effect, the audience was able to linger a little longer over each of the very short poems.
It seems that the haikus inspired by the poets' experiences gained during their voluntary work in the project “Science for Society, Society for Science at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice”, were to the liking of the event’s participants, who could also purchase the poetry book “Fog occurs now” after the meeting. A nice note, moreover, was the inclusion in our traditional refreshments of a surprise straight from Japan - sweets flavoured with green tea.
We will return with the ‘Łambinowice Museum Meetings’ series in September, which does not mean that nothing will be happening at our seat in Łambinowice during the holidays - we encourage you to follow our offer on social media.