The final of XXXI edition of the POWs Poetry Recitation Competition. We announce the results!
Today, 12 April, at the Museum’s seat in Łambinowice, took place the finale of 31st edition of the POWs Poetry Recitation Competition Let's not lose our memory. The competition was entered by 79 students from the Opole Province. The auditions were held in three age categories.
The competition, organized jointly by our Museum and the Association of Friends of the CMJW, enjoyed the honorary patronage of Voivode of Opole Voivodeship Sławomir Kłosowski, Marshall of Opole Voivodeship Andrzej Buła, Starost of Opole County Henryk Lakwa, and Opole Voivodeship Superintendent of Education Joanna Raźniewska.
The media patronage: TVP Opole, Radio Opole, Radio DOXA. "Nowa Trybuna Opolska" and "Nowiny Nyskie".
The performances were evaluated by the jury consisting of: Edmund Borzemski, Cecylia Jacewska-Caban, Barbara Grzegorczyk, Andrzej Jakubczyk, Adriana Jarosz, Elżbieta Lisak-Duda, Iwona Ratajczak, Ludmiła Małgorzata Sobolewska and Beata Wnęk-Malec.
The jurors decided to award the following prizes:
- Grades 4-6:
First Prize – Julia Czubasiewicz from Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa in Łambinowice, taught by Violetta Junka;
Second Prize – Magdalena Wójcik from Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa No.1 z Oddziałami Interacyjnymi in Głubczyce, taught by przez Roksana Rostowska;
Third Prize – Nina Antoszak from Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa in Luboszyce, taught by Justyna Kasprzyk-Ressel;
Distinction – Stefania Lacek from Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa in Luboszyce, taught by Justyna Kasprzyk-Ressel;
- Grades 7-9:
First Prize – Antonina Lacek from Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa in Luboszyce, taught by Justyna Kasprzyk-Ressel;
Second Prize – Diana Fedchenko from Społeczna Szkoła Podstawowa im. ks. Jana Twardowskiego in Mechnicy, taught by Agnieszka Błachut;
Third Prize – Magdalena Rupacz from Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny in Krośnicy, taught by Adriana Jarosz;
Distinction – Franciszkek Dajczak from Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa No. 1 im. Jana Dzierżona in Kluczborku, taught by Anna Stadnik;
- Grades 10-12:
First Prize – Dobrochna Kantorowicz from Publiczne Liceum Ogólnokształcące No. 1 in Opolu, taught by Katarzyna Madera;
Second Prize – Aneta Wieszala from Zespoł Szkół Ekonomicznych im. gen. Stefana Roweckiego „Grota” in Opolu, taught by Edyta Kościelak;
Third Prize – Emilia Jarosz from Publiczne Liceum Ogólnokształcące No. 2 in Opolu, taught by Ewelina Pudełko;
Distinction – Milenia Bortniczuk from Diecezjalne Liceum Humanistyczne in Nysie, taught by Lidia Rogowska.
This year’s jury’s special prize went to Antonina Czollek from Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa in Częstochowice, taught by Wioleta Mroczkowska.
The teachers who prepared the winners received letters of gratitude and all participants received diplomas of participation.
The competition was supported by:
Henryk Lakwa – Starost of Opole County
Andrzej Wesołowski – Mayor of Tułowice
Janusz Wójcik – Mayor of Korfantów
Tomasz Karpiński – Mayor of Łambinowice
Wiesław Skrzypek – Forest Inspector of the Tułowice Forest Inspectorate
Józef Bryll – President of the Opole Branch of the Association for Polish-Eastern Cooperation
Urszula Gawor – President of the Katyń Family Association in Opole
Iwona Konopnicka – Chairperson of the Association of Friends of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War
Atomsystem s.c.
Almatur-Opole Sp. z o.o. Travel Agency
Energopol Trade Opole Sp. z o.o.
Łambinowice Machine Factory „Celpa” S.A.
INWESDIM Sp. z o.o.
Agricultural Production Cooperative in Wydrowice
„Sopelek” lody naturalne
Thank you!
Photos: S. Mielnik/CMJW