The 25th anniversary of Ekostudio Theatre
The play "Pilate", performed on 13 March 1999 at the Diocesan Museum in Opole, marked the beginning of the 25 years old activity of the befriended Ekostudio Theatre. The institution was born out of passion and love for theatre, especially its director and founder, Andrzej Czernik.
On Saturday, 15 June, theatre-goers, funders and representatives of institutions associated with the theatre met at its building. The meeting provided the opportunity, above all, to reminisce, reflect on theatrical achievements and plans for the future. The Museum, which has been cooperating with Ekostudio for many years, was represented by its deputy director, Dr. Renata Kobylarz-Buła, who expressed our sincere thanks to Andrzej Czernik for the many years of fruitful cooperation.
During the 25 years of the theatre's activity, more than 80 premieres, shows and outdoor activities have been produced. Among them was the play "To stay alive at all costs", performed at the Site of National in Łambinowice in 2008. The storyline of the play was based on the memoirs of Sergei Voropayev, as well as other prisoners-of-war held in the Lamsdorf camps during World War II. During the jubilee, the play was also recalled by our exhibition of photographs by Sławoj Dubiel and Sławomir Mielnik. What is more that was not the only play staged together. In 2014, another one, "Passed Over Words", was put on. Its storyline referred to prisoner-of-war correspondence "through the wires", which was exchanged between Warsaw insurgents - men and women - in Stalag 344 Lansdorf in the autumn of 1944. The performance premiered on 6 October 2014 in the preserved part of a camp hut. Finally, our last joint effort, "They were here", were performances on trains of the Opole-Łambinowice, Łambinowice-Opole rail route in 2022. We hope the happening will be repeated soon.
We would like to thank the entire Ekostudio Theatre team for their cooperation with us so far, and wish them much success and personal satisfaction.
Photo by J. Stemplewski.