Summer Holiday with archaeology – offer

Taking advantage of the fact that the temporary exhibition "Lamsdorf/Łambinowice. Archaeology at the Site of Remembrance" is presented in the Museum’s Opole seat, we would like to invite children and young people to take part in educational classes on the secrets of the archaeologist's workshop.

The activities entitled "Immerse your hands in history" combine theory and practice in an interesting way, as after a visit to the exhibition, and introducing goals and methods of archaeology, workshop participants are given the opportunity to work on their own at archaeological sites specially arranged for educational purposes. They then excavate artefacts from the sand, which they then clean using appropriate tools, and record. The activities are summarised at the showcases presenting the objects unearthed during the archaeological work at our Memorial Site.

The workshop, together with a visit to the exhibition, takes about an hour. The cost is PLN 10 per person. The method of running it is suited to the age of participants - from 5 years of age and up. We welcome organised groups from summer camps, but also smaller groups, including families with children. Offer details and booking are at: / tel. 573 785 910.

You are welcome to join us!

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