Study visit of police officers from Opole
Men and women of the uniformed services are visitors of crucial importance for our Museum. It is obvious that the history, but not only, we research into and disseminate encompasses the fates of captured soldiers. The other important reason is related to the issue of human rights, for it is the uniformed services officers who are particularly obliged to promote and exemplify respect for these rights.
This is why we are happy to be visited by representatives of the army, police, border guards and prison service at both Museum seats. This time, we hosted a group of policewomen and policemen from Opole - on 19 June we organised a thematic seminar for them, combined with a curatorial tour of the temporary exhibition "I love You, see You..." (they were guided by Dr. Kamil Weber).
The group of officers was looked after by Deputy Director Dr. Renata Kobylarz-Buła and Dr. Piotr Stanek, Head of the Research Department of the CMJW, who prepared for them three lectures: "The Development of International Law on the Treatment of Prisoners-of-War", "The Wehrmacht and the NKVD POW Camp Systems during Second World War", and "Witold Pilecki - Man, Soldier, Hero". The police officers learned a lot about not only the functioning of POW camps, including the fate of policemen during the Second World War, but above they gained a broader perspective related to the evolution of wartime international law and universal values and humanistic attitudes safeguarding the concept of individual liberty.