Results of the 16th edition of the history competition
On Monday, 10 June, we organised the 19th edition of the educational session "If not memory, then what? Education at places of national remembrance." This year’s theme of the session was ‘Going out with the class. History education 2024’. After the lecture part and its accompanying inspiring discussions and workshops, it was time for the final of the 16th edition of the national competition for historical project entitled "Before it's not too late".
The competition was organised by the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War, the Association of Friends of the CMJW, and the Starosta Office of Nysa County. It enjoyed the honorary patronage of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Voivode of the Opole Voivodship, Marshall of the Opole Voivodship, Starosta of Opole Countythe Opole, and Voivodeship Superintendent of Education. The competition took place under the media patronage of Radio Opole, Radio Doxa, TVP 3 Opole, ‘Nowa Trybuna Opolska’ and "Nowiny Nyskie" newspapers.
The jury of the competition, composed of Dr. Iwona Konopnicka – Chairwoman (University of Opole), Dr. Renata Kobylarz-Buła (CMJW), Urszula Lechicka (CMJW), Maria Bula (CMJW), Dr. Michał Jakubik (Secretary), judged 59 projects and awarded the following:
First Prize: Julia Szeląg Kudlińska from the Samuel Bogumił Linde High School in Toruń for the project ORP Wicher - a heroic defender of the Polish coast during the September 1939 campaign commemorated on the mural ‘Glory to Polish Sailors’, supervised by Anna Potulska (185,5 pts.),
Second Prize: Magdalena Handke, Karolina Hewlik and Maksymilian Kleba from the Zbigniew Religa High School No. 1 in Zabrze for the project And life goes on. A story about Franz Wilhelm Herzber, supervised by Krzysztof Grala (184 pts.),
Third Prize: Beniamin Zefirian from the Karol Marcinkowski High School No. 1 in Poznań and Gerard Drecki from the Dąbrówka High School No. 7 in Poznań for the project Field fortifications of the northern front of the Greater Poland Uprising near Tarków, supervised by Agnieszka Gabryelska (176 pts.),
Distinction: Julia Świstowska from the Julian Tuwim Primary School in Wielącza Kolonia for the project A monument to the displaced inhabitants of the village of Wielącza during World War II, supervised by Magdalena Gołąb and Alicja Poździk (175 points).
All participants received commemorative diplomas.
We would like to congratulate and thank everyone who participated in this year’s competition. Also, we would like to invite you to follow our website for information about the next edition of the event.
We would like to heartily thank the institutions, organisations and companies that supported our competition. And these were: Starosta of Opole County, Starosta of Nysa County, Chairman of the Opole City Council, Mayor of the Łambinowice Commune, Tułowice Forest Inspectorate, Opole Branch of the Katyń Family Association, Association of Friends of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War, Polish Society of War Veterans and Former Political Prisoners, ARIMA FOUNDATION "Nasz Śląsk" and Energopol Trade Opole sp. z o.o.