Meeting of the Museum Council – report
On Monday, 10 June, the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War’s Council convened. The term of the current Council will last until 2026. The meeting was held in a hybrid format, but the majority of persons involved in the activities of this important entity for the development of our institution showed up at the Museum's seat in Opole.
The first matter to be attended was the agreement on the Council's capacity to adopt resolutions, after which a full agenda of issues to discuss was adopted and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
The main part of the meeting covered information from Museum Director Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska on the Museum's activities in 2023 and the tasks arising from the plan of work for 2024. The Council, by means of a resolution, gave a positive opinion of the report and approved the CMJW’s plan of work for 2024. After the Director of the Museum the floor was given to Professor Adam Szpaderski, the person who is responsible for the concept of the strategy for the development of the CMJW in the years 2024-2030. The most important key points of the strategy outlined by him, deriving from the main objective of including the Museum in a wide international circle of cooperation and its impact on various audiences, found approval from the Council members by formal acceptance of the submitted document.
The last part of the meeting, as in previous years, included a discussion in which, among other things, the Museum’s research plans were discussed in a broader perspective. All in all, the performance of the Museum in the last reporting year was highly rated by the Council members.