‘Łambinowice Museum Meeting’ in December - invitation
There used to be a very large colony of European ground squirrels (sousliks) to be found in the area around of the village of Łambinowice. These small animals constituted almost a permanent living part of the local landscape, as evidenced by military postcards sent from Lamsdorf with the image of the creature protruding from a burrow, the name of the mess hall (‘Kantine zur Zieselmaus’), and by references to it in the accounts of prisoners-of-war.
The reason for the forthcoming ‘Łambinowice Museum Meeting’ was the question of what happened to the local ground squirrel and the need to familiarise the local community with the fate of this unique species from both a historical and a contemporary perspective. As it happens, thanks to the efforts of naturalists, European ground squirrels are slowly returning to the south-western regions of Poland. Since 2000, as part of a repopulation plan, they have managed to reintroduced successfully their population, for example in Kamień Śląski.
During the meeting, our guest, Daniel Podobiński, known for his love of the region, will explain, among other things, why sousliks died out in this area, what their coexistence with the inhabitants of Lamsdorf was like, and why efforts were made to reduce their population.
You are cordially invited to the meeting on 4 December, at 5.00 p.m. We look forward to seeing you, as always, at the Museum building in Łambinowice.
Invitation to Outlawed. The Souslik at the military training ground in Lamsdorf