"Łambinowice Museum Meeting" (3 April) - report
The guest of the meeting was Przemysław Badura from the Upper Silesian Pantheon in Katowice. His lecture, Doctor Tadeusz Pragłowski - in Katyń and Łambinowice, attracted a group of people, mainly local sympathisers of the Museum, who were ready to face the challenging subject, and for whom the connection of the meeting’s protagonist with research works conducted in Łambinowice, must have been particularly interesting.
The latter issue, i.e. the doctor’s activities on the grounds of the mass graves of the Soviet prisoners-of-war – today associated with the place where the characteristic Monument to the Martyrdom of Prisoners-of-War is located, was brought to the attention of the audience by Dr. Renata Kobylarz-Buła, Deputy Director of the Museum. She drew the attention, among other things, to the probing techniques used during the preliminary exhumations, in the course of which not all the burial pits were discovered, but only after determining the modus operandi of the perpetrators, they allowed to establish the approximate number of victims buried in successive rows of the sloped terrain. On the other hand, Przemysław Badura turned the audience’s attention to the first part of the subject, i.e. presentation of the key facts from the biography of Dr. Tadeusz Pragłowski – a member of the Polish PCK Technical Commission that went to Katyń in April 1943 to collect information on the course of the mass killings, its victims and perpetrators.
The meeting, chaired by Museum Director Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska, concluded with a discussion and questions from the audience. A casual conversation over the customary refreshments provided an opportunity to find out more about issues not raised or only hinted at during the main part of the meeting.