Italian and Polish memorials are talked about in Rome
Dr. Piotr Stanek represented the Museum at an international meeting of academics and experts from all over Europe who deal with the subject of collective memory. The conference entitled ‘Italy-Poland-Europe. Common Memorials’ took place in Rome on 4 October this year.
The meeting had a packed agenda - working on the complex problem of verifying the prospects for undertaking an international research project to explore the links between common for Italy and Poland memorials, which are territorially distant and belong to different cultures, what presents a challenge in itself. The issue would be set in the context of the functioning of European memories (on a continental scale or in distinct cultural areas).
The conference was organised by the Janina Umiastowska Rome Foundation in scientific cooperation with, among others, Associazione Italiana Polonisti, Associazione Italiana Studi di Storia dell'Europa Centrale e Orientale, ‘Sapienza’ Università di Roma, the Polish Institute in Rome, the Center Scientific Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Rome, as well as Prof. Robert Trąba with his vast experience in the study of social memory ‘working’ at the interface of different cultures and national memories.
The aim of our colleague, who runs the Research Department, was to arouse the interest of the community of researchers and practitioners gathered at the conference in our Memorial, so that it would eventually be included in this interesting interdisciplinary project. We will keep you updated on whether he succeeded in doing so.