It is the fourth year of the ‘Give me a Memory’ campaign
Since 2021 we have together restored 19 crosses, and thanks to recent donors, the conservation of a further five is already planned at the ZAJMART Art Conservation Studio, a company that has supported us since the beginning of the ‘Give me a Memory’ campaign.
Between 2021 and 2024, thanks to the kindness and generosity of mainly private individuals, including the Museum's workers, patrons and people associated with us, it has been possible to carry out the conservation treatment of nearly 19 headstones at the Old POW Cemetery in Łambinowice. This is a very important task, as each restored cross means the restoration of the dignity and memory of the person who lies beneath it.
As part of the campaign, we are already planning restoration work for 2025. Five more crosses on the graves of prisoners-of-war from the First World War will be restored thanks to donations from our donors. This is not the end of the campaign, as anyone who wish to contribute to preserving the memory of POWs can make a donation of PLN 300 to the bank account of the Association of Friends of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War (https://www.cmjw.pl/stowarzyszenie/). It is worth noting that donors receive documentation of the conservation treatment carried out thanks to their support - with a detailed description of the course of the work and photographs taken before and after its completion.
We would like to thank all donors for their support. Thanks to your commitment, we can continue our mission!