Prayer of Peace. Report on the event
Yesterday (1 September), marking the anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War, a unique concert, Prayer of Peace, took place once again in the parish church of Łambinowice.
Before it started, at 11.00 a.m., Elżbieta Góra, Head of the Department of Collections and Conservation, laid flowers at the Monument to the Martyrdom of Prisoners-of-War. The symbolic commemoration of the 85th anniversary of the Third Reich invasion of Poland was also attended by teachers and pupils from the schools in Łambinowice, Bielice and Jasienica Dolna, as well as Jolanta Mierzyńska, director of the Community Centre for Culture, Sports and Recreation in Łambinowice.
At 5.00 p.m., we went to the Church of St Mary Magdalene in Łambinowice. The Prayer of Peace was commenced by the parish priest, Father Piotr Bałos, who welcomed the many guests who came to the concert and expressed his appreciation for the organisers’ work. The following speakers were Msgr Paweł Stobrawa, representing Msgr Andrzej Czaja, who took the event under his honorary patronage, and Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska, Director of the Central Museum of Prisoners -of-War.
After that there came the time for music. The male vocal ensemble Kairos, conducted by Borys Somerschaf, performed at the concert. The ensemble played works which fall into divers musical genres, ranging from medieval Polish music associated with religious rites, through Orthodox church chants to Armenian, Georgian and Greek tunes. As the last piece, Kairos performed Camp Prayer song, which accompanies the anniversary meetings organised by the Museum. The entire concert was performed in a reflective atmosphere, which turned the thoughts of the audience to the theme of the evening - the victims of the Second World War, ongoing armed conflicts, but also the great need for peace.
After the concert, the attendees went to the opening of the exhibition Order and Annihilation. The Police in Nazi Germany at the CMJW seat in Łambinowice, where were initiated into the subject of it by Dominik Hadas from the Department of Education and Exhibitions.
We would like to remind you that the exhibition will be on view until 28 February 2025.