Invitation to the Night of Museums
The motto of this year's Night of Museums is ‘Under the stars of Europe’. This is a very appropriate message, given the 20th anniversary of Poland's accession to the European Union. And it also goes well with the subject we are dealing with, because in fact the Lamsdorf camps were the place of isolation for thousands of prisoners-of-war from all over the continent. The fate of those soldiers illustrates, in a dramatic way, how great was the impact of the war’s events happening at that time, on whole generations of Europeans.
The programme of this year’s exceptional Night at our Museum will begin with a visit to the permanent exhibition entitled The Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice – The Regional, National and European Heritage and I Love You, See You.... temporary exhibition, as in the past, at 6 p.m. Visitors to our Museum will be entertained with a guided tour of the exhibitions until 11.59 pm.
At 6 p.m. will commence the first round of children's workshops, entitled There was a Teddy Bear, while the second group will start their workshop an hour later. The idea for these activities comes from the aforementioned temporary exhibition and, as it will turn out, has a close connection to one of the POW stories and an accompanying exhibit.
The next item of the programme is a lecture entitled Rotmistrz Witold Pilecki, one of Europe's stars, prepared by Dr. Piotr Stanek, and the screening of an original animated film entitled The Secret of the Hero which will tell us more about the figure of Pilecki as a flesh-and-blood human being.
In the last two hours, before the closing of the event at midnight, in the Museum’s courtyard, we will be screening approximately twenty-minute films: a documentary about the Place with a Scar exhibition (with English subtitles), made by the well-known internet journalist Łukasz Kazek, and the educational film Lamsdorf/Łambinowice. Museum and Site of Remembrance directed by Alicja Schatton (subtitled in Ukrainian).
You are cordially invited to the Museum on Saturday 18 May, from 5.59 to 11.59 p.m. We look forward to seeing you at our seat at 3 Minorytów Street in Opole.