Invitation to educational session 2024’

This time the subject of the 19th edition of the educational session ‘If not memory, then what? Education at places of national remembrance’ will be cooperation between museums and schools, and more precisely – looking into relatively new and interesting methods of supporting formal education, i.e. workshops, lectures and various activating activities prepared by museum professionals.

The motto of the session is: ‘Going out with the class. History education 2024’, which means, above all, a call with which we would like to address all teachers that it is worthwhile to look outside the walls of the school for an alternative to the formal education. With each year there are introduced new, and sometimes very promising, ways of not only conveying historical facts but also stimulating deeper reflection that will stay with students long after they have left the museum and memorial sites.

We have prepared speeches that will bring closer to you practical solutions to use when working with students (to a limited extent with younger children as well). In addition, there will be an engaging discussion with experts from both the museum and education realms. Perhaps the most engage-orientated part of the programme will be showcase workshops conducted according to the AVATAR method by educators from the Wrocław-based House of Peace Foundation in Wrocław.

The session would be held at 2 Minorytów Street, Opole, at 9 a.m. on 10 June (in the hall of the Municipal Public Library). It will conclude with the final of the 16th edition of the nationalcompetition for historical project Before It's Not too Late.

Please find below a detailed programme and if you wish to attend the session contact the CMJW’s Department of Education and Exhibitions, at 77 43 43 475, 573 785 901, or by email: .


9.00–9.15 a.m.
Opening of the session – Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska, Director of the CMJW and Dr. Iwona Konopnicka, President of the Association of Friends of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War, researcher at the University of Opole

9.15–9.45 a.m.
Are children bored during history classes? Discussion with the participation of:

  • Prof. Mirosława Nowak-Dziemianowicz, WSB Academy in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Piotr Górajec, The Museum of King John III's Palace at Wilanów
  • Agnieszka Jaczyńska, European Union Community School in Zamość

9.45–10.15 a.m.
Because the Place Connects Us. Archaeology in museum education
Dr. Kamil Karski, KL Plaszow Museum in Kraków

10.15–11.00 a.m.
Set to work on love. The history of everyday life in the exhibition ‘I love You, see You...’
Dr. Anna Czerner, Dr. Kamil Weber, CMJW

11.00–11.20 a.m.
The moderator: Prof. Mirosława Nowak-Dziemianowicz

11.20–11.40 a.m.
Coffee break

11.40 a.m.–1.00 p.m.
With empathy about history. Workshop using the AVATAR method.
The moderators: Maja Zabokrzycka and Dorota Whitten, House of Peace Foundation in Wrocław

1.00–1.30 p.m.
Coffee break

1.30–2.45 p.m.
The final of the 16th edition of the national competition for historical project Before It's Not Too Late.
The moderators: Dr. Michał Jakubik and Urszula Lechicka, CMJW

2.45–3.00 p.m.
Closing – Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska, Dr. Iwona Konopnicka

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