Funding for conservation at the Site of Remembrance have been obtained
We are very pleased to learn about the result of the call for "Graves and War Cemeteries in the Country" scheme, announced on 5 March this year. The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage has made the decision to award a grant of a total amount exceeding PLN 5 000 000 to forty tasks from all over the country. Among them are two applications concerning the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice.
The amount of PLN 121,032 was awarded for the task called "conservation of grave crosses at the Old POW Cemetery in Łambinowice". It is worth noting that this application received the highest score among all applicants. Moreover, the second of our important tasks "conservation of the sculptures of the Monument to the Martyrdom of Prisoners-of-War in the war cemetery at the Site of National Remembrance - Łambinowice", came third on the same list. For this purpose, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage will allocate the sum of PLN 92,800.
The Commune of Łambinowice was the applicant, our Museum was the partner. We will keep you informed about the progress of the works. We encourage you to follow our website!