Feast of the Polish Armed Forces
As every year, on 15 August we especially remember Polish soldiers. It is an important date in the history of the Polish Army, commemorating the victory in the Battle of Warsaw 1920, also known as the ‘Miracle on the Vistula’. On the occasion of the Feast of the Polish Armed Forces, we would like to express our warmest wishes to all soldiers.
Knowing about your dedication and commitment, we wish you health, perseverance and satisfaction out of their service and perseverance.
We express particularly warm wishes to the soldiers of the 10th Logistics Brigade and the 13th Silesian Brigade of the Territorial Defence Force, thanking them at the same time for their committed support to our work. We have been invariably meeting for years at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice during ceremonies commemorating the victims of the POW camps and both world wars. Also, we can rely on the support that is provided by the soldiers during clean-up works in the post-camp areas and in the area of the war cemeteries.
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