Director of the CMJW has become a member of the Council for Museums and Sites of National Remembrance

The decree of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of 25 March 2024 on the appointment of members of the Council for Museums and Sites of National Remembrance came into force in April this year.

The previous Council begun its term in 2021. One of museum professionals from the Opole Province, Jarosław Gałęza, director of the Museum of the Opole Village, was a member of it. This time, the Province will be represented during the three-year term, lasting until 2027, by the Museum Director Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska. However, it is not the location of the establishment managed by her that is of key importance in this case, but the fact that it is an institution established to take care of a site of remembrance and that for years it has been systematically engaged in doing research on the subject of prisoners-of-war - in the Polish legislation, this subject is included in the context of museums of martyrdom. The point is that the Council would take into account, in the most representative way possible, opinions of museums of various types and which deal with different problems.

Besides the representative of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War, from this year on, the following people will advise the Ministry on management, financing and policy on museum and issues related to sites of national remembrance: Dr. Piotr M. A. Cywiński and Dr. Tomasz Kranz, who successively direct the museums of martyrology in Oświęcim and Lublin.

Photo: Dominika Wołk/MKiDN.


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