Development of cycling tourism - study visit

From 18 to 21 May our colleague from the Department of Education and Exhibitions, Dominik Hadas, took part in an interesting study visit to the Limburg region, Belgium. The visit was part of an EU co-financed action entitled "OPA - Signposting of cycle routes, promotion of cycling tourism and involvement of local residents in active recreation".

Objectives of the project, implemented jointly by the Local Action Groups - Niemodlin Forest Partnership and Euro-Country, are: development and popularisation of cycling tourism in the south-western part of the Opole Voivodeship through proper signposting and promotion of cycle routes, publication of promotional materials regarding the routes, and organisation of cycling events and the above-mentioned study visit. This is also important for tourism in the vicinity of our Museum, as new cycle routes will be established and further bike races will crop up on the map of local events, including the "Retrace History" in the Niemodlin Forest area.

The above-mentioned study visit was aimed at learning about good practices in cycling tourism and infrastructure. It was attended by 30 people from both Local Action Groups: representatives of forest inspectorates, municipal offices, community centres or administrators of tourist attractions. After a cultural visit to Brussels, the participants actively explored The Hoge Kempen National Park by bike via its areas of fen, and The Bosland Park with its treetop cycle route. We are sure that these experiences will give inspirations for implementing interesting solutions in our area.

We will keep you informed about our ideas.

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