Another seminar in Wielopole Skrzyńskie with participation of CMJW work-ers

Museum workers from Poland have met in Wielopole Skrzyńskie for the fourth time in history. This year's seminar, on the theme of ‘Museum Passions’, began on Friday, 30 August. It will last until 1 September. The Museum is represented by Piotr Jędorowicz from the Department of Collections and Conservation.

The CMJW museum worker gave a talk entitled Behold, I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me…. The unknown story of a British chaplain, a POW of Stalag VIII B Lamsdorf. The topic attracted a lot of attention, both because of the little-known story and the interesting way of presentation.

The seminar itself is an opportunity to share working experiences and integrate the community. The presentations are accompanied by a rich programme of activities, including traditional singing and art and history workshops. The organisers have also arranged for the possibility of visiting the most interesting places of the Greater Poland region.

The event enjoys the honorary patronage of the Association of Polish Museum Workers and the Jagiellonian University. The meeting is also part of the celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of postgraduate museum studies at the Jagiellonian University.

Congratulations to the organisers on their seminar!

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