Annual Christmas and New Year meeting
Christmas is approaching and many parties are organised by firms and institutions. Our annual pre-Christmas meeting took place on 16 December at the Museum seat in Łambinowice, and although the snowy scenery was nowhere to be seen, the other features of this special time were there: a Christmas tree, a Christmas wafer, tasty dishes, cordial conversations and a lot of smiling.
Most of the people who work at the Opole seat of the Museum as well as retired employees came to Łambinowice, including Edmund Borzemski, who - as every year - read out several of his Christmas poems. In addition to poetry, the passing year was summarized by the Museum Director, Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska. There was also provided a musical element in the shape of a song performed by its author Natalia Kryjom-Barylak. And for a light-hearted team-building activity, there was an entertaining quiz to test knowledge about the Museum and its staff.
The organisation of the meeting was the responsibility of the Museum's Department of Social Affairs, but workers from the Departments of Administration and Economics, Research and Education and Exhibitions helped to prepare the individual programme items. So, in this respect too, it was a truly team bonding event. Was it successful? By all accounts, it was a very pleasant meeting!
Feeling cheerful, we would like to invite you to take a look at the photos documenting this nice meeting.
Photo: M. Żwirełło.