Yesterday (1 September), marking the anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War, a unique concert, Prayer of Peace, took place once again in the parish church of Łambinowice.
more o:Prayer of Peace. Report on the event
Museum workers from Poland have met in Wielopole Skrzyńskie for the fourth time in history. This year's seminar, on the theme of ‘Museum Passions’, began on Friday, 30 August. It will last until 1 September. The Museum is represented by Piotr ...
more o:Another seminar in Wielopole Skrzyńskie with participation of CMJW work-ers
Since yesterday, there has been held an international conference entitled One history, two perspectives? in the German town of Kleinenbremen. It is attended by representatives of the CMJW: Director Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska ...
more o:One history, two perspectives? A scientific conference in Kleinenbremen
Visitors can view a new temporary exhibition, Order and Annihilation. The Police in Nazi Germany, on the role played – alongside the Gestapo and the SS – by the German police force in the Nazi era, at the Museum’s ...
more o:"Order and Annihilation. The Police in Nazi Germany." A new temporary exhibition in Łambinowice
At the start of September we come back with the "Łambinowice Museum Meetings" series. The first installment will be dedicated to the European Heritage Days’ theme of "Routes, Networks and Connections".
more o:"Łambinowice Museum Meetings"are back. Meeting with Jerzy Okrzesa
On 23 August we mark the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes, a day of reflection on the tragic consequences of the reign of totalitarian regimes in Europe. The date is not coincidental – on that day the Molotov-Ribbentrop ...
more o:Remember. 23 August - the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes