He was an advocate of Polish and German reconciliation, and, at the same time, as a person who was raised in a bilingual Silesian family, was a witnessed to the history which left its tragic mark on his close relatives. Father Wolfgang Globisch ...
more o:Father Wolfgang Globisch has passed away
From 27 November 2023, an article entitled '"Hell camp" hidden in the forest - the materiality of Stalag VIII B (344) Lamsdorf', which is the outcome of the 'Science for Society, Society for Science at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice' ...
more o:Archaeology at the Site of Remembrance - popularising research results
It has been almost two decades of joint activity! The Association of Friends of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War was established on 29 December 2004 as a public benefit organisation which the main objective was the substantive and financial ...
more o:Anniversary of the establishment of the Association of Friends of the CMJW
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In this beautiful time of Christmas and New Year, we would like to thank all our supporters and colleagues for this past year together and ask you to accept our heartfelt wishes for you this Christmas. We have placed ...
more o:Christmas wishes
From 27 to 29 December the Museum’s Opole seat will be open as usual. There will be made available the permanent exhibition 'The Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice - the regional, national, European heritage', and the temporary exhibition ...
more o:The Museum during Christmas and New Year
Before the end of the year, the Museum completed another successful infrastructure project - signboards with the full name of the institution were fixed to the frontages of the buildings in Opole and Łambinowice.
more o:Signboards have been hung in both Museum seats