The opening of the exhibition 'Lamsdorf/Łambinowice. Archaeology at the Site of Remembrance' has already taken place. The exhibition is presented in the Museum in Łambinowice, and from 28 June this year it will be possible to be viewed in Opole ...
more o:Guidebook to 'Lamsdorf/Łambinowice. Archaeology at the Site of Remembrance'
As every year, we will meet on Saturday evening, 18 May, to celebrate the International Museum Day. On this occasion, the European Night of Museums is held for the 18th time. In Opole, its essence is encapsulated in a unique programme prepared for ...
more o:Workshops during Opole’s Night of Museums – invitation
The motto of this year's Night of Museums is ‘Under the stars of Europe’. This is a very appropriate message, given the 20th anniversary of Poland's accession to the European Union. And it also goes well with the subject we are dealing with, because ...
more o:Invitation to the Night of Museums
79 years ago, on 8 May 1945, the Second World War came to an end. This deadliest conflict in modern history was ended with Germany's unconditional surrender. On the day of the National Victory Day celebrated throughout Poland, we recalled these facts ...
more o:Anniversary of the end of World War II and a ŁSM meeting
This new exposition is a kind of smoothly presented and richly illustrated recapitulation of the work that has been carried out over the last two years at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice as part of the research project ‘Science for ...
more o:Invitation to 'Lamsdorf/Łambinowice. Archaeology at the Site of Remembrance' exibition
As part of this year's EFOD event, the Museum is offering a curatorial tour of the ‘Place with a Scar’ exhibition to all those wishing to visit it.
more o:European Funds Open Days - invitation