From 11 to 14 June 2024 the Museum has an unusual offer for visitors wishing to explore materials that generally remain safely hidden in the archives.
more o:Archives Week
It was a successful event - quite unusual in form, artistically moving and at the same time related to the subject matter of the ‘Science for Society, Society for Science at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice’ project.
more o:The last prior the summer holiday ‘Łambinowice Museum Meeting’ has taken place
This year's traditional celebration of the achievements and attractions of the Opole region taking place in the charming village of Moszna was attended by perhaps even more institutions, companies and organisations than during the last year's Voivodship F
more o:Museum at the Opole Voivodeship Festival - report
The next monthly meeting with interesting guests will take place on Wednesday 5 June. This time the keynote of the event will be poetry, and a very specific one at that - the art of haiku, a type of short form of literature that originates from the cultur
more o:Łambinowice Museum Meeting’ - invitation
During the Annual General Meeting of 28th May 2024, members of the Association of Friends of the CMJW who met at the Museum’s seat in Opole, reviewed, among other things, the organisation's activities in the past year and its plans for the coming year.
more o:Meeting of the Association of Friends of the CMJW
This week there is one of the year’s bank holidays – the Feast of Corpus Christi will be celebrated on the Thursday, May 30. Both seats of the Museum will be closed on that day. Of course, there in no limited accessibility of the open-air exhibition ...
more o:Visitor Information - 30 May