The Museum, together with the Association of Friends of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War, has carried on the tradition of the annual joint publication of a calendar. In this way, we also express our gratitude to the persons who collaborate ...
more o:Museum Calendar 2025 AD
The extended project entitled ‘Reverberations 1944. From Warsaw to Lamsdorf’, completed in mid-December this year, has left a number of interesting productions, which will also be freely usable over a long period into the future, after completing ...
more o:‘We were here’ audio drama
There can be no doubt regarding Museum statistics: the past year has been a very fruitful one for the Department of Collections and Conservation in one of its primary fields of activity which was the acquisition of more POW artefacts ...
more o:Summarization of the year’s activities of the Department of Collections and Conservation
The past year was a time of many events and achievements for our Museum. We would like to thank you for your participation in them. Also, we wish our patrons, colleagues and fellows peaceful and joyful moments with their loved ones. May the Spirit ...
more o:Merry Christmas!
Dear Visitors!
We would like to inform you that from 24 December to 1 January the seats of the Museum in Opole and Łambinowice will be closed.
more o:The Museum during Christmas and New Year
The work of the screenwriter and director Andrzej Celiński and the filmmaker, VidiFilm studio, was possible thanks to the project "Reverberations 1944. From Warsaw to Lamsdorf". It is a 50-minute long absorbing story about the fate of women and men ...
more o:‘We were here’ radio drama is available online