Conservation treatment to preserve the appropriate state of documents in the museum's Archive is being conducted all the time. Successive batches of valuable archival objects are successively sent to specialist workshops. Now a collection of 186 lists ...
more o:Conservation of transport lists
Yesterday, 11 October, a delegation from Romania, led by a representative of that country's royal family, Prince Radu Duda, paid a visit to Łambinowice. The spouse of Princess Marguerite, who holds the honourable title of the Custodian of the Crown ...
more o:Visit of Prince Radu Duda
This year's action ‘They were here’ has been taken place for the second time. Now as part of the project entitled ‘Reverberations 1944. From Warsaw to Lamsdorf’. The purpose of the campaign is to popularise knowledge of the circumstances of the ...
more o:Art and social action ‘They were here’ – report
We have recently seen a flurry of activity in presenting travelling exhibitions: our exhibition ‘The End and the Beginning. The Warsaw Insurgents in the German captivity’ went to Dresden, while the exhibition ‘Lamsdorf/Łambinowice. Archaeology at the Site
more o:Our travelling exhibitions are hosted in Poznań and Dresden
The commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the arrival of the first transport of Warsaw Insurgents in Stalag 344 Lamsdorf were unique owing to three important events: laying flowers and lighting candles at the Monument to the Warsaw ...
more o:80th anniversary of the arrival of the first transport of Warsaw Insurgents in Stalag 344 Lamsdorf - report
Dr. Piotr Stanek represented the Museum at an international meeting of academics and experts from all over Europe who deal with the subject of collective memory. The conference entitled ‘Italy-Poland-Europe. Common Memorials’ took place in Rome ...
more o:Italian and Polish memorials are talked about in Rome