The Association of Friends of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War
The Association of Friends of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War was established on 29 December 2004. It associates people whose mission is to protect the cultural heritage and to provide education to inhabitants of Opole Silesia, particularly disseminating the knowledge on the history of the camps in Lamsdorf/Łambinowice, as well as relating to the vicissitudes of Prisoners-of-War in the time of World War 2. The main goal of the Association is to substantially and financially support the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War in the realization of its statute activity. Special care on the part of the Association is taken of the Museum’s activity in the spheres of collection, preservation and conservation of historical memorabilia, execution of scientific-research, educational, publishing and editorial tasks, and also preparation of exhibitions and commemoration, including the care extended over the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice.
The Association co-organizes conferences, meetings with authors of books, lessons and museum prelections, contests, educational trips to sites of remembrance, and also supports preparation of publications dealing with history. It also engages in actions aimed at acquisition and conservation of items in the Museum’s collections. The activities undertaken by the Organization serve to shape the historical and national awareness, patriotic and civic attitudes.
The Association is a public benefit organization in compliance with the Act on activity of public benefit institutions and voluntary services of 24 April 2003 (Journal of Laws 2003, No. 96, item 873 as amended). You are welcome to support the Association of Friends of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War by transferring financial means to its account (Bank Pekao S.A., Branch in Opole, pl. Wolności 3, 45-018 Opole; account No.: 64 1240 5178 1111 0010 8213 2324) or by giving over 1% of the income tax to the Association.
The Association invites persons interested in volunteering to cooperate. You are welcome to contact the Association directly or via the website: www.wolontariusz.opole.pl
Contact address
The Association of Friends of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War
ul. Minorytów 3, 45-017 Opole
tel./fax: 77 453 78 72
KRS: 0000224452
Bank account: PL 64 1240 5178 1111 0010 8213 2324
NIP: 754-27-84-757